About The Conference

Nyanza International Investment Conference 2025

The International Investment Conference, themed ‘Nyanza Rising – Towards Economic Transformation for Socio-Economic Growth and Development,’ stands as a pivotal event addressing the pressing need for growth and development in the Nyanza Region. With a focus on converting existing and potential development challenges into viable opportunities for private sector investment, this conference aims to catalyze progress. Its primary objective is to provide a platform for the region’s leaders, professionals, and stakeholders at the international, national, and local levels to showcase the economic potential of the region and present investment opportunities to potential investors. Achieving this goal necessitates a holistic approach, uniting central and county governments, development partners, business leaders, scholars, researchers, the local community, the diaspora, international organizations, and all supporters of Nyanza. The conference serves as a forum for sharing knowledge and experiences among stakeholders while identifying investment opportunities and sustainable development programs for the region.

Kisumu City


The conference will present both commercial and development investment projects that have a significant impact on local communities, county governments, the national government, and investors. These opportunities will include both solicited and unsolicited projects.


The Nyanza region, comprised of six counties, is home to approximately 7 million people who derive their socio-economic livelihood from its abundant natural resources. The region’s per capita Gross County Product is estimated at Kshs. 190,000 (US$1,267), indicating considerable spending power that could further increase with the emergence of additional opportunities.


The Nyanza counties possess a strategic advantage in fostering a conducive investment climate and business-friendly environment essential for catalyzing much-needed socio-economic growth and its associated benefits across the counties and the broader Nyanza region through sound and viable investments.

“Nyanza Rising – Towards Economic Transformation for Socio-Economic Growth and Development”

Conference Committee

Conference Organizing Leadership Committee

Conference Chair, NIIC

Conference Deputy Chair

Senior Advisor

Chairman of Nyanza Professionals Forum

Policy, Legislative & Regulatory committee chair

Chair- Conference Evaluation & Outcome

Marketing & Communication committee chair

Chair Exhibitions Committee

Vice Chair, Speakers’, Content & Program Committee

Hospitality & Logistics committee chair

Diaspora committee chair

committee chair – Resource mobilization & Investors committee

Conference Administrator